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For your safety, contactless pick up of your Cardboard Kid(s) to decorate will be available at the community sites listed below. Anyone donating $10 or more during our distribution days, will get a commemorative medal while supplies last.


March 8th, 9am – 5pm

ChildSafe Campus – 3730 IH-10 East San Antonio, TX 78220 [map]
Walker Ranch Park – 12603 W. Ave. San Antonio, TX 78216 [map]
Olmos Basin Park – 651 Devine Rd San Antonio, TX 78212 [map]


Pick Up:
Saturday, March 8th, 2025

Reveal Day:
Thursday, April 3rd, 2025

Spread the Word

If you discover a Cardboard Kid, snap a photo and share the location through social media using #cardboardkidsSA when posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other media sites. Imagine the impact of expanding the conversation!

About Cardboard Kids

“Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
– Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize 1986

The most important element in a difficult conversation is starting one. Never is this truer than with our difficulty talking about child sexual and physical abuse.  That is why in 2014, ChildSafe created Cardboard Kids®, a city-wide public awareness campaign to draw attention to the pervasiveness of child abuse and the fact that every story is different and every child unique.

Cardboard Kids are more than two-foot-tall cardboard figures. They represent one of the thousands of children that are abused and neglected at the hands of adults in our community each year.  They start the conversation, not only by creating a visual symbol for children to identify with but also by providing valuable tips for caregivers on how to talk to their children about child abuse and neglect.

What began with 5,800 cardboard cut-outs in 2014 grew to over 120,000 distributed every year and displayed throughout the community at schools, businesses, organizations, homes, and community locations.

While Cardboard Kids will begin distribution in March, they will be decorated and placed all over San Antonio on “Reveal Day,” Thursday, April 4th 2024. Cardboard Kids social media campaigns, volunteers, and community partners, like YOU, guarantee a greater awareness of the problem of child abuse. Let us all be a champion for those who have spoken up as well as for those who need a voice.

Valero logo

Valero Energy has been the sole sponsor of our Cardboard Kids® Campaign since 2015

Cardboard Kids Gallery

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