Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse
A revised version of "What is child abuse?". Provides a basic foundation for understanding, identifying, and reporting suspected child abuse. Monday, October 21 from 2pm-3pm CST. Space is limited, register...
A revised version of "What is child abuse?". Provides a basic foundation for understanding, identifying, and reporting suspected child abuse. Monday, October 21 from 2pm-3pm CST. Space is limited, register...
Learn to distinguish between healthy sexual development and maladaptive sexual behaviors while discussing appropriate procedures and responses. Wednesday, October 16 from 10am-11am CST. Space is limited, register now.
Darkness to Light® Stewards of Children™ is a nationally recognized, evidence-based sexual abuse prevention curriculum trains adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Tuesday, October 15...