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ChildSafe provides in-person and online training for professionals, parents, mandated reporters, community at large, and in-person prevention education for youth.

ChildSafe’s Trainings are provided free of charge, thanks to generous donations from our funders. For more information about CEU’s and trainings, please contact

Training Catalog

English and Spanish, Online or In-Person

Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse (1hr.) *

Provides a foundation for understanding, identifying, and reporting suspected child abuse.

Human Trafficking (1hr)

Provides a strong foundation to understanding human trafficking and how to identify and reporting suspected victims.

Sexual Behavior Issues in Children (1hr)

Learn to distinguish between healthy sexual development and maladaptive sexual behaviors while discussing appropriate procedures and responses.

Secondary Traumatic Stress (1hr)

Provides a foundation for understanding the effects of working first-hand with people experiencing trauma, and how to develop personal protective factors to combat STS.

NetSmartz (1 hr)

Internet Safety curriculum is from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children aimed at providing both children and parents ways to keep children safe online.

Child Traumatic Stress & PTSD (1 hr)

Provides basic information on types of trauma and its effects on the brain & development. Participants will also learn what can trigger a child who has experienced trauma, behavior responses, and what you can do to help.

BodySafety (30min)

Provides training and safety tips for caregivers on body safety and how to keep children safe.

Darkness to Light Stewards of ChildrenTM (2hrs)*

A nationally recognized, evidence-based sexual abuse prevention curriculum trains adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.

Anti-Bullying (1hr)

Provides an in-depth overview of the different types of bullying, its impact on children, and protective factors that can reduce and/ or prevent bullying behavior.

Psychological First Aid (1hr)

Based on the “Field Operation Guide” from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, this training provides an overview of PFA, tips on how to implement it in an educational setting, and practice for participants to engage in.

Introduction to Trauma (1hr)

Provides a basic overview of trauma, its impact on child development and those individuals/ institutions that work with youth.

Collective Trauma (1hr.)

Dive deep into understanding all of the components to collective trauma, its impacts within an individual and/ or community, and discuss ways to promote healing in diverse settings.

* Training meets the requirements for Texas Education Code § 38.0041 policies addressing Sexual Abuse and Other Maltreatment of Children.

See Our E-Learning Catalog of Classes »

Youth Trainings

Available for schools and youth groups

Healthy Relationships Project©

Early Childhood-12th Grade • 6-45 min sessions • English and Spanish

Provides a foundation for understanding, identifying, and reporting suspected child abuse.

Project Selfie©

6th-12th Grade • 2-1 hour sessions • English and Spanish

Project SELFIE© is a developmentally appropriate, trauma-informed positive health education program. Topics include the distinction between consent, cooperation, and compliance in digital interactions; the laws on sexting by minors; how to cope with peer pressure; ways to respond to requests to sext; ways to respond to unsolicited sexts; and how to be an empowered bystander. Through two interactive, developmentally appropriate, and trauma informed presentations, youth learn how to prevent sexting and respond to concerning digital communications.

Love 146 Not a Number©

5th-12th Grade • 5-45 min sessions • English and Spanish

Not a Number is an interactive child trafficking and exploitation prevention curriculum designed to provide youth with information and skills in a manner that inspires them to make safe choices. Youth learn to identify and utilize healthy support systems that may decrease their vulnerabilities.


2nd-12th Grade • 1 hour • English and Spanish

NetSmartz provides age-appropriate videos and activities to help teach children be safer online with the goal of helping children to become more aware of potential online risks and empowering them to help prevent victimization by making safer choices on- and offline.


2nd-6th grade • 30 minutes

Monique Burr Foundation Prevention Education Program is comprehensive, evidence-based/evidence-informed primary prevention programs that educate and empower youth with the MBF 5 Safety Rules© and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to bullying and cyberbullying. All program lessons are age- and developmentally appropriate and use active learning strategies and reinforcement materials.

All evidence-based curriculums offer a caregiver information session. Trainings meet the requirements for Texas Education Code § 38.004 policies addressing Child Abuse Anti-Victimization.


 For more information about CEU’s and trainings, please contact